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Sponsored by the Department of Education and Culture
of the
European Commission
2001 - European Year of Languages
Studio Mediterraneo - Palermo
In collaboration with
Rettorato degli Studi
Faculty of Literature and Philosophy
Universita’ di Palermo



Monday 17 December 2001 at 18.00
Sala delle Capriate, Palazzo Steri – Piazza Marina
Il cunto e i canti
by Maximo Ghioldi
Performance and readings by and with Davide Enia, Maurizio Maiorana, Lello Voce, Mariano Bàino, Luigi Cinque.
Davide Enia - “Italia-Brasile dei mondiali ‘82”
Maurizio Maiorana – “L’acciecamento di Polifemo”
Lello Voce – “Los viejos postmodernistas”
Mariano Bàino – “’O ggeniuslò

Poetry from dialects and languages. Palermo, capital of the multicultural Mediterranean, historical crossroads of languages and influences, in which the Sicilian “cunto” (story) - which, as well as Arab and Spanish influences, bears signs of an ancient Greek colonisation - comes face to face with the “canti” (songs) of other European linguistic cultures.

Tuesday 18 December 2001 at 11.15
Liceo Classico Umberto I – via Filippo Parlatore, 24
Lectura Dantis

by Rosaria Lo Russo

A reading of the most important Italian poem; or rather a vocal re-writing of poetry by the poet, refined poetry reader and translator Rosaria Lo Russo, also author of a “Comedia” published by Bompiani in 1998.

Tuesday 18 December 2001 at 18.00
Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia dell'Università di Palermo– Viale delle Scienze
Poesia migrante
A meeting and poetry reading on the multiplicity of European languages starting from the linguistic identity with

Mariano Bàino, Luigi Cinque, Salvatore Costantino, Guido Di Palma, Davide Enia, Francesco Gambaro, Maximo Ghioldi, John Gian, Rosaria Lo Russo, Maurizio Maiorana, Aurelio Pes, Giovanni Ruffino, Gaetano Testa, Lello Voce, Barbara Koler e Reinhard Sauer (Germany).

per informazioni
Multirifrazione Progetti tel. 06/48906040 – fax 06/4870070 - e-mail:

Manuela Corti
web mistress

Daniela Rossi